Hey there beautiful human, hope you’re having a lovely morning! This is Angela from Beauty Within
Do you worry too much?

I'll admit, I struggle with this. Oftentimes, I try to justify worrying by telling myself that by thinking through all the possible outcomes, I'll be mentally prepared for anything. But by constantly ruminating, I end up even more stressed. Which obv is not the vibe we're going for. So what's a gal to do? Well for me, these things help to lessen the worrying: Journaling - dumping all my thoughts out, stream of consciousness style. I've really enjoyed morning pages. Meditation - I feel so much calmer afterward! It also helps with being more mindful and catching thoughts before they get too crazy. Take a walk + enjoy nature - something about nature and the rhythm of walking just relaxes and grounds me. Forest bathing, anyone? Worst case scenario - I ask myself: really, what's the worst that can happen? And most of the time, it's actually not so bad. Reminders - I remind myself why I choose not to worry. E.g. It brings out unhealthy thought patterns, it's bad for my body, and it doesn't serve me.

"Worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair. It takes up a lot of energy but gets you nowhere." I first heard this quote from Bubzbeauty,(one of my fave Youtubers back in the day) and it's always stuck with me. I hope that it resonates with you too and encourages you to spend less time worrying and instead, spend more time in the moment With that, I wish you a pleasant and worry-free week ahead! Don't worry, be happy...
with love,